

In order to solve the problem that players can easily use the turret when purchasing multiple NFTs and avoid unnecessary time consumption caused by switching back and forth between multiple cannons, the project party introduced the turret synthesis function.

Composition rules

  1. The synthesis of NFT can only be the synthesis of NFT of the same level

  2. Select at most one main turret NFT and 10 auxiliary turret NFTs per synthesis

  3. After the synthesis, all the NFTs used as auxiliary turrets are destroyed, and then a new NFT is obtained, and the tokenID inherits the NFT of the main turret.

  4. When synthesizing, 100% of the skills of the main turret NFT will be inherited, and the NFT skills of the auxiliary turret will not be inherited.

  5. The NFT generated after synthesis has the same basic properties as the NFT as the main turret, with the following differences:

    • Unlocked DGC tokens = the sum of unlocked DGC for all participating turrets

    • Maximum daily turnover = the sum of the maximum turnover of all participating turrets

    • Unlock Percent = No change

    • The number of tokens unlocked per day = the sum of the DGC that can be unlocked by all participating synthetic turrets

    • The synthesis cost is: the number of NFTs used as turrets * 100 DGC

Last updated